Thursday, December 02, 2010

Monthly Blog Round-Up – November 2010

Blogs are "stateless" and people often pay attention only to what they see today. Thus a lot of useful security reading material gets lost.  These monthly round-ups is my way of reminding people about interesting blog content. If you are “too busy to read the blogs,” at least read these.

So, here is my next monthly "Security Warrior" blog round-up of top 5 popular posts/topics this month.

  1. Just as last month, the top position in November is again held by my repost of my free log management tool list (“On Free Log Management Tools”) from my consulting site. The original version was written as a companion to our “Log Review Checklist” that also sits on the top list this month.
  2. Another checklist, “Log Management Tool Selection Checklist Out!”  holds a close second spot – it can be used to compare log management tools during the tool selection process or even formal RFP process.
  3. As you know, I started posting my PCI DSS log review procedures that I created for a consulting client (sanitized, of course!). The first post in what will be a REALLY long series (“Complete PCI DSS Log Review Procedures, Part 1”) is next. Look for all posts under “PCI_Log_Review” tag
  4. Random Fun Highlights from PCI DSS 2.0 …” originated from my reading the new version of PCI DSS and taking some notes. Feel free to read it to quickly get “what’s new?” in PCI DSS 2.0
  5. On Choosing SIEM“, a companion to  “How Do I Get The Best SIEM?”, held the next top position – and so it “How to Write an OK SIEM RFP?” If you are thinking of getting a SIEM or a log management tool, check them out and also look at related resources at the end of these posts.  “So, What Should I Want?” or How NOT to Pick a SIEM-III?” , “The Myth of SIEM as “An Analyst-in-the-box” or How NOT to Pick a SIEM-II?” and ““I Want to Buy Correlation” or How NOT to Pick a SIEM?” also stay at the top – it seems like smaller organizations are looking at deploying SIEM and log management and there is a lot of interest in simple guidance
  6. Our LogChat podcast release is next on the list – the third issue is coming next week. The podcast is now on iTunes as well – check it out. The next issue (#4) is coming next week!

Also, below I am thanking my top 3 referrers this month (those who are people, not organizations). So, thanks a lot to the following people whose blogs sent the most visitors to my blog:

  1. Mike Dahn
  2. Walt Conway
  3. Raffy Marty
  4. Martin McKeay
  5. Dancho Danchev

See you in December for the next monthly and also annual top blog posts - also see my past annual “Top Posts” - 2007, 20082009!

Possibly related posts / past monthly popular blog round-ups:

Dr Anton Chuvakin