Friday, November 09, 2007

A Desperate Plea ...

If you are somehow involved with selecting log management tools, running them, building them or doing whatever with the, you MUST run, not walk and attend this SANS webcast called "WhatWorks in Event and Log Management: Simplifying Global Log Management at Rockwell Automation."

You'd think that I am promoting LogLogic here, but that is not the point: the point is that this webcast illuminates the process of choosing a tool [their pre-LogLogic tool!] without sufficient thinking and then regretting it, and then suffering immensely while trying (and failing) to make to work, somehow.

I was almost tearful :-) when I was reading the webcast transcript: these fine folks were pretty much fucked by their previous logging vendor, who promised and never delivered and basically led these folks toward failure through daily frustration and pain ... They are polite in the webcast, but HUGE pent-up frustration just blows through ('It [log management tool] shouldn’t overwhelm you from an administration standpoint' and 'them not being mature enough was a major issue' and 'is it was an incredibly complex application', etc).

This and other experience will also be featured in my new, upcoming SANS Lunch and Learn presentation called "'Worst Practices' of Log Management" (first show at SANS CDI 2007 in DC in December)

And, finally, I know who their previous vendor was, but I ain't talking publicly ... If you do buy from them, I am sorry too say, you ARE an idiot!

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Dr Anton Chuvakin