Friday, June 20, 2008

It Is With Great Trepidation...

... that I announce that one of the true adepts of the ancient art of log analysis has - FINALLY!!! - joined the blogging world.

Sanford's first post "Why standards?" starts thus: "I’ve often wondered about the viability of broad vendor adoption of a log standard" (read more)

If some of you - you know who you are! - think that my blog is sometimes shallow in its coverage, that it doesn't have enough regexes and SQL commands, you HAVE TO go and subscribe to Sanford's; this will be deeeeep, since Sanford probably forgot more about logs than most of us would ever know (BTW, I am serious). Also BTW, Sanford is a Log Data Architect at LogLogic.

Lately, there have been much more people blogging about logs (I will post some new resources in a bit), but this is truly an event of the century...

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Dr Anton Chuvakin