Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Who Benefits from Log Standards? Part II - Application Developers

As I promised, I will post another blurb on log standards following the first: Who Benefits from Log Standards? Part I - Log Management Vendors

Just as the previous one, this comes from the still-upcoming CEE whitepaper (yes, official website is still upcoming as well). Here is the quote that covers the benefits of log standards (in this case, CEE):

"Event Producers (vendors & products)  [A.C. - i.e. platform and application software vendors as well as network gear developers whose products generate logs] will be able to decrease cost associated with logging and reuse log libraries. Vendors could move away from encouraging developers from picking log messages on a closest-fit basis from a limited, product-specific message index. Furthermore, the generation of these log messages could be bases on a single API call. Also product interoperability will increase with the others who speak with the same event expressions, resulting in satisfied customers. "

So, in other words, it is not only the  log management people who will benefit: software vendors will have an easier life with logging; this applies even more to smaller vendor and even in-house IT teams who often (always?) struggle with how to do logging right in their applications ...

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Dr Anton Chuvakin