WARNING! "Ph." in "Ph.D." at work (play?) here :-) This is one of them darn philosophical posts...
Now, some people hate logging, because logs are too hard to deal with (enable, collect, store and especially understand and interpret). However, there is a whole other group of fairly intelligent people who "hate logs:" the organizers of some well-known technical security conferences. The experience of many of my colleagues (and competitors!) and myself proves that a log-related talk will NOT be accepted to ANY technical security conference nowadays. Now, some were generous enough to explain why. Others were not (screw them and no link :-)).
But let me rant about this one a bit. First, it is always a possibility that they dislike me not logs:-) - this is easily disproved, however, since some of my colleagues had the same exact experience. Do they dislike vendors talking about logs? Nah, this isn't it either - most of my conference presentations had nothing to do with LogLogic, even though they are about logs. Some of my friends (and this blog readers) tried to suggest that an audience of such events "knows everything there is to know about logs." This is not true since - gasp!- nobody knows everything there is to know about logs: they hide way too many mysteries (with useful answers!) to discount them like that. Another one I've heard is that "real hackers don't get logged -> logs are useless", which is also silly: this is true only if you take a very narrow view of logs (e.g. NIDS alerts),; clearly, everybody is logged by the firewalls, servers, apps, etc. The challenge is not a lack of data, but too much data and not enough time and tools.
But we are about to "hit paydirt" with this question...
Tool? Did I just mention tools? This opens the last and final, deeply evil reason for such "log-hate": one of the conference organizers mentioned that, in his opinion, there is nothing new in the field of log analysis since regex-match-based alerting (and regex-based parsing into database tables).
And you know what?
Drum roll....
He was actually somewhat right.
Indexing did come in the world of logging, but, personally, I don't find it to be a huge feat of human ingenuity (even though it is definitely useful). I also think we are not doing enough with index data (and I definitely intend to change that...)
In addition, there was A LOT of academic research on the subject, from the SRI EMERALD in the 80s (and even earlier) to today, but many of the papers I've seen sit on the "hilarious side of useless"...
So, I need a campaign "Making Logs Sexy Again!" (and some impressive research results to boot) - will it work? Let's try and find out!
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