Monday, February 20, 2006

Microsoft Frowns on iDefense Hacking Challenge - Yahoo! News

Wow, that is pretty funky indeed! It also confirms that wormable holes in MS products are becoming few and far between, just as many predicted.

Microsoft Frowns on iDefense Hacking Challenge - Yahoo! News: "Security intelligence outfit iDefense Labs is offering a $10,000 reward to any hacker who finds a worm hole in Microsoft's products, but the software maker isn't exactly thrilled by the gambit. Security intelligence outfit iDefense Labs is offering a $10,000 reward to any hacker who finds a worm hole in Microsoft's products, but the software maker isn't exactly thrilled by the gambit. Security intelligence outfit iDefense Labs is offering a $10,000 reward to any hacker who finds a worm hole in Microsoft's products, but the software maker isn't exactly thrilled by the gambit. "

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Dr Anton Chuvakin