Thursday, November 16, 2006

Conclusions on my Security Conference Poll

Here are the results of my security conference poll, as of today (11/16/2006).

Which information security conference do you like the most?

FIRST (46%)

DEFCON (12%)

BlackHat (10%)

SANS (all) (7%)

Other (7%)

CanSecWest (5%)

RSA (4%)

Gartner IT Security Summit (1%)

ISACA (0%)

Security Decisions (ISD) (0%)

CSI (all) (0%)

MISTI (all) (0%)

ISSA (0%)

TechnoSecurity (0%)
226 total votes

What are the conclusions:

1. The link to a poll was posted on a FIRST web site. I will let the reader decide the causality here :-)
2. DEFCON/Blackhat still rock!
3. SANS is great as well, presenting a close adjusted (see item 1. above) second after DEFCON/Blackhat
4. Some shows where we usually notice an abundance of fake experts presenting their rants are rated low, as they should be
5. Some Gartner folks blessed the poll with their votes :-) (Hi, Rich!)
6. Looks like I totally failed to spell out some of the popular shows, since Other category is so big (please, please, dear readers, post comments and enlighten me on this)

Obviously, the results reflect the bias of my readership selection, but, at the same time, they are not entirely unexpected...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought you had known about (a very good and new conference [started in 05] dealing with very technical talks on reversing)

What's more, they provide "quality" talks. ;))

Next time, I expect you to be there :)

Cheers :)

Dr Anton Chuvakin