Monday, November 30, 2009

“Leaving Vendorland” or Consulting Full-Throttle

I have a horrible confession to make: I was “vendor scum” for most of my security career. All good things come to an end – replaced by better things, of course.

Since departure from my last job, I discovered the world full of exciting projects where I can be incredibly useful. For some logging projects, I can be more useful than anybody else in the world (and, no, this is not my ego talking).  At the same time, I discovered many jobs at “wonderful” large companies, where everything developed two years after the market is considered “innovation.” Maybe this is why I don’t really believe in security market consolidation: BigCo=slow while threat=fast leads to some nice EPIC FAIL of “consolidation.” In any case, I’ve seen a lot of fun projects, and not enough fun jobs. Thus I decided to start developing my own consulting practice. 

With this post, I am “officially” announcing my switch to consulting (even though I’ve been busy consulting for a couple of months already). Here is a quick summary of my services, also posted at Security Warrior Consulting site:

  • Technology vendor services: compliance strategy for a security product, security and compliance content development, “thought leadership” webinars, training and writing, etc.
  • End-user organization services: development of logging strategy, logging policy, log review procedures, planning of log management architecture, etc.

Go see more details on my new consulting site or look at the full services menu [PDF]. At this time, I am working on a couple of very fun projects, but will look for more work along the above lines in the future.  If you have anything of that sort for me, please get in touch (email, other methods)!

Finally, if I discover new fun security things to build and evangelize,  I will once again join the noble ranks of vendor scum…

BTW, our “PCI Compliance” book should be out any day now and our book website is “ready for business.” Time to get back to work on that logging book…

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